This tutorial explains how to make basic changes to existing content in WordPress pages and posts.
You can view the video here, or scroll down further for written directions:
1. Log in to WordPress,
2. In Dashboard, click on the the home icon "APIC" in the upper left corner, or click "visit site"
3. Once on the homepage, navigate to the page you want to edit by either clicking to the page or pasting the url into your browser.
4. Click on "Edit Page" in the black toolbar at the top of the page.
5. Click in the area of content that you want to edit to place cursor, and the edit!
6. If you want to add a paragraph, place the cursor at the end of the preceding paragraph, and hit "Enter." This will create a new default paragraph block. You can now type away!
7. Once done, click "Save" in the upper right hand corner. View the page to confirm that the changes are as desired.
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