OneDrive uses at least 10 different badges to inform users about the status of the app and file syncing.
- Solid blue cloud icon —Indicates that a "OneDrive for business" account is configured. The sync is up-to-date, and there are no problems.
- Solid gray cloud icon —OneDrive is running but isn't connected to any account, or you're signed out.
- Cloud icon with arrows forming a circle —OneDrive is actively downloading or uploading files and folders to the cloud.
- Solid red with white X icon —OneDrive is running, but there are sync problems that require your attention.
Files and folders statuses
- White cloud with blue borders icon —Indicates that the file is only available when you're connected to the internet, and it's not using local storage. You'll need to double-click the file to finish the download and open with an application.
- White icon with green borders and check mark icon —File is available offline, you can open them without an internet connection, and they're taking up local storage space.
- Solid green with white check mark icon —You'll see this status badge when using the "Always keep on this device" option to ensure important files are available offline.
- Solid red with white X icon —Alerts you that there is a problem trying to sync a particular folder or file.
- Cloud icon with arrows forming a circle —Indicates that a file is currently syncing.
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